‘Twas even thus a change came over me,
As Glaucus, eating of the weed, changed race
And grew a god among the gods of the sea.
“Transhumanized” — the fact mocks human phrase;
So let the example serve, till proof requite
Him who is called to experience this by grace.
Dante, Paradiso 1.67-72 (Sayers)
At the very beginning of the Paradiso, Dante begins his transport through the heavenly spheres. He begins his discovery that the heaven that awaits him will be but the consummation of the “transhumanization” already begun in this life: the believer’s being taking hold of by Wisdom, Courage, Justice, Temperance, Faith, Hope, and Love.
Praise be for the promise that “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it on the day of Christ Jesus.” Praise be, as well, that meanwhile, it is a worthy goal “to take hold of that which has taken hold of me” (Paul to the Philippians 1:6; 3:12).